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Поиск и просмотр графиков

Поиск и просмотр примитивных и составных графиков в ИС GrafOnto по году публикации и авторам

Примитивный график
Рисунок 4a. The best-fit curve obtained by using the MLEW model to describe the line profiles (R=1.6).
The best-fit curve obtained by using the MLEW model to describe the single line profiles.
Библиографическая ссылка
P. Codastefano, P. Dore and L. Nencini, Temperature dependence of the far-infrared absorption spectrum of gaseous methane, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 1986, Volume 35, Issue 4, Pages 255-263, DOI: 10.1016/0022-4073(86)90079-8.
Координатная система (Линейный, Линейный)
Ось абсцисс (X) (Размерность) Волновое число (см⁻¹) Ось ординат (Y) (Размерность) Коэффициент поглощения (см⁻¹Амага⁻²)
Физические величины Комментарий к графику Дополнительное описание
Вещество CH4 Тип данных Подогнанные
Температура 163 К Метод измерения (решения), Модель, Аппроксимация  
Давление (полное) 1 Происхождение данных Оцифрованные
Давление (парциальное) Тип источника Первичный
Длина пути (L)  
Плотность (d)
Волновое число (T зависимость)
Under  the assumption that only the Ω- and Φ-induction mechanisms contribute to the absorption, the sum rules 2,13 for the spectral moment a are α=αΩ + αΦ.
We again assume that only the R- and +-induction  mechanisms  contribute to the absorption.  Therefore, the absorption band shape can be computed as A(v) = cΩAΩ(v)  + cΦAΦ(v).
where the coefficients c,, and co , which are directly related to fl and (p, determine the amplitudes of the two spectral contributions.  Any contribution  Aλ(v) (λ = Ω or Φ) can be written as Aλ(ν) = v [1-exp(-hcν/KT)] Fλ(V), where the line shape Fh(v) is given by the convolution  of the rotational stick spectrum (associated with A-induction) with a single line translational profile yA(v). As was pointed out in the introduction,  the methane spectra measured’  at four temperatures  (296,243,195 and 163 K) were previously fitted 4*5 by means of translational  profiles resulting from rigorous quantum mechanical, ab inifio computations.  The pairs of methane molecules were assumed
to interact via the isotropic HK potential.
As a first step, we fitted our experimental band shapes measured at the same temperatures by using the computed quantum profiles. 4*5The agreement with the experiment was excellent, even in the high-frequency  wings of the spectra. For example, in Fig. 3, we show the best fit obtained at 243 K. From these fits, we obtained (Ω27)= 3.87 10-16erg, (Φ29)= 2.00 10-16erg .
These values correspond to R = 1.6. We found a slightly lower Q value only at the lowest temperature,  thus obtaining R = 1.9.
We have verified that the ab initio computed profiles4.* can be described quite well by using the BC model, apart from their low-frequency features. We have then fitted the experimental A(V) by using the BC model to describe the single line profiles rA(v). In order to reduce the number of parameters in the fitting procedure, we used, instead of Eq. (8), the following expression for the computed band shape: A(c)(v)=N [RAΩ(v)  + AΦ(v)].
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Грант INTAS 00-189